I\'ve had a really hectic week. I was gone on two separate trips, broke down, got turned down for a really awesome gig, and lost my drawing pencil. So, I threw this together based on some random thoughts, using MS-Paint and an old comic... enjoy?
Wow have I been busy this month. I was so sure that I would have a lot of comics for you too. I programmed a fun game that you can play on my main site at http://www.rhizdii.com/ called Senet. I\'m still looking for work, but am feeling a bit more hopeful with the jobs I\'ve posted to lately. And of course I\'ve been working on my wedding with Beth.
I was working on a full page comic for several days and have two pages of that completed, but it\'s not ready for public viewing. So that took up some of my time, whereas I wanted to have a finished product to show you all. However, I have written a new FOCS script and will hopefully get that posted here \"soon\".A new comic goes up. Not much else for news.
Wow have I been distracted lately. I recently had to move a whole bunch of furniture. This past weekend I drove 1400 miles to get to a wedding and back. I\'ve been working hard searching for work again. I decided to get back to writing a book I\'ve been working on for a few years now (with a new plan about how to get it finished). And now it\'s my birthday. If you behave yourselves I\'ll throw up a comic.
Hey guys, it\'s been long overdue but FOCS is finally developing an ongoing storyline. I\'ll still do one shots whenever I come up with them, but I have about 10 comics written out now and many more brewing in the old noggin\'.
No Color - You may notice that today\'s comic with the main cast is not colored. In order to save my sanity and to try and produce more comics again I think I\'m going to ease off the coloring for now. They may get colored later, but for now just enjoy the art and the story.
Hey guys, I\'ve been working on some sketches lately and haven\'t done a new comic as of yet. So, since I thought you all might like to see something here, here is one of the sketches I\'ve been doing. Expect another one soon. The style is pretty unique from what I normally do since I didn\'t ink it by hand, but rather I discovered a new way to clean up my pencils on the computer without risking ruining the important lines. Also note, highlights are present too, yay! I feel I should name her...
Hey guys, over the next few weeks I hope to implement a bunch of new updates to the site. Finishing some stuff that has yet to be completed and bringing new content to those who are bored waiting for new comics.
I've been wanting to do a time travel joke for a while, but kept putting it off. So at long last here is Dr. Science destroying the universe for a mustache.
No I didn't forget how to draw. I'm still just having a hard time getting back into the swing of things after going away for two weeks, and this cold just won't leave me alone. I didn't want to leave you all without SOMETHING to look at though and have put up comic #101. Yes it is stick figures, and yes I did draw them with my mouse. Ah, good times.
Happy New Year everyone! I've been out of commission a bit longer than I anticipated. The place I was staying at 'had' internet, but only in the main building... I was not in the main building and had to walk through the snow to get there if I wanted to use my laptop. I finished the comic, shading and all, and now that I've got internet in my new hotel room it has been updated. Kinda sucks that for comic #100 I had so many issues in getting the finished product published, but I hope you all enjoy it.
I will be returning home tomorrow and will hopefully be drawing a new comic in the next few days. I've been so busy here this past week that even when I pulled out my drawing pad I just couldn't bring myself to think of anything funny... which is weird since I know I had several ideas while here on vacation.