About the comic:

Five O'clock Shadow (Abbreviated FOcS or FOCS) went live on September 8, 2008.

The comic is currently updated usually once a week, though the day may shift around.

Why Five O'clock Shadow? Why not? I was brainstorming several possible names for days before throwing this one out. I instantly loved it, and figured for a web comic with no real purpose why stress over a name that makes sense?


Christopher Davis - I am the man behind the comic, the webmaster and admin for the forums. I write, draw, and color all comics unless otherwise noted. I am a recent history graduate from Cal State Fullerton and have finally begun my career path in the video game industry as a QA (game tester). I have created this comic as a way of expressing myself, trying to bring amusement to others, and as a way to ensure I keep drawing. I do wonder if by some chance there's any hope of doing this for a living, but I seriously doubt it... still that would be pretty cool.

Bethany Leino - The woman behind the man behind the comic! Beth is the number one critic of FOCS and acts as an editor/proofreader for most of the strips. She tells me which ideas are too stupid even for me to put up here, and sometimes I even listen to her advice.

Other friends - Many of my ideas come from real life experiences and random conversations with my friends. My inspirations come from each and every one of them. Due to the limited content of the site currently, no specific credit is being given out just for ideas, but that may change in the future.

Proper Credit - Unless otherwise stated, if there are two names present on a comic, the first name listed is the primary author of the strip and the last name is the artist. Note that in a strip with multiple creators, each person probably contributed in some way to both the writing and art of each strip.


Http://www.rhizdii.com/ - This is Christopher Davis' primary website for all of his previous and ongoing projects. Go here if you are interested in checking out some of his games, stories, or photography.

Http://www.shroudedgrove.com/ - The Shrouded Grove is a link to Bethany Leino's portfolio of the various items she has hand crafted over the years. Beth enjoys using paper mache, sewing, crocheting, and painting. Her stuff is pretty cool, check it out.

Http://www.leagueofmadscientists.com/ - League of Mad Scientists (aka - LOMS) is a web comic by my sister Courtney Davis. It's a funny comic about mad scientists and their zany adventures trying to take over the world.

Why Does the Comic's Art Suck?

Hey, my comic's art doesn't suck! Why would you even think such a horrible thing? I guess I could say that my art is not as professional looking as a lot of other comics out there, but then I don't have as much training or practice as a lot of people who set out to create web comics. I pride myself on my writing, good spelling, and grammar (though yes I am aware I make mistakes). This comic is more or less an experiment in art, self expression, and a general learning process for me. As this comic progresses you'll see a lot of changes in my art, how I color and do details. I know I'm getting better and I hope that the writing in the comic makes up for the less than professional art.

...but don't you dare try to say that it sucks!

All images and characters here are copyrighted © 2008-2009 Christopher Davis.
Images may not be reproduced for commercial use without express written consent. Individuals may reproduce images for personal use (ie: blogs, forums, and avatars), but we ask that you either give credit to the comic and/or link back to this site when you do so.